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The staff at Valley Mist Health

Our Acupuncture Clinic 

We are dedicated to helping you Live Life, Free From Pain and experience your best life.


At Valley Mist Health, Dr. Vince Holden D.Ac, R.Ac, specializes in complex and chronic cases that are often left untreated.

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Dr. Vincent Holden B.Sc. D.Ac. R.Ac.

Dr. Holden is a Registered Doctor of Acupuncture, trained in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) through the MacEwan University Acupuncture Program. He has 15 years of experience of providing solutions for difficult chronic cases and has specialized training in neuropathy, arthritis, chronic pain management, anxiety, and depression management.


Why Choose Acupuncture?

Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine are versatile treatment methods that date back over 5000 years originating in ancient China. These methods are used to heal and balance the body. They are effective in treating various health concerns through the use of extremely thin filiform needles inserted into specific acupuncture points. Each treatment is tailored to the patient's specific health needs.

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