Whether back pain is due to a separate chronic condition, an old injury, or failed back surgery syndrome (FBSS), it can be debilitating and unbearable.
Do you suffer from a herniated or bulging disc?
Have you been diagnosed with stenosis?
Are the only solutions you are offered are band-aid pain management solutions that don’t really address the problem?
It can feel like there is no hope.
Mike, from Drayton Valley shares:
“I tried everything. I took the medication which did took the edge off. I got a new stand desk for work and bought a new bed. My wife found a chair that fit the contours of my back and helped relief some of the tension. That helped a bit. But nothing I tried solved the problem. Then I read about how Dr. Holden was helping other people with back pain.”
Dr. Holden, D.Ac, and the staff at Valley Mist Health use several integrative therapies to address both back pain and the underlying cause.
Dr. Holden explains, “There is a lot more to healthcare, than surgery and pills. Many people have resigned themselves to live life in pain. They believe there is no hope left. My purpose is to prove to those people that there is hope.”
One of the therapies used at Valley Mist Health is acupuncture. Acupuncture helps with the release of the body’s natural painkillers, reduces inflammation, and promotes circulation and blood flow. This results in naturally reduced pain and repair of the damaged tissues over time.
Targeted microcurrent therapy is used in conjunction with acupuncture and other treatment therapies for chronic back pain. Targeted microcurrent therapy helps to speed up the process. NASA originally developed microcurrent therapies to promote healing and recovery. Dr. Holden, DAc, uses it in specific cases to speed up recovery and complement the effects of acupuncture.
Mike states, “I am glad I called Valley Mist Health. I would not have believed it 3 months ago but I feel better than I have in years. I even played hockey with no pain if you can imagine that.”

The first step to relief is a new patient consultation. Call 780-514-6111 and a care coordinator will set you up with a consultation so you can start Living Life Free From Pain.