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Is All Back Pain The Same?


The short answer is a resounding NO, and we shouldn’t expect to treat them the same!

Kelly has a band of pain right across the back of his hips, almost like a belt, and it always feels tight; never letting go.

Anna has a pain that runs right from the center of her shoulder blade and stabs into the front of her chest on both sides.

Bob’s pain runs up either side of his spine and spasms unexpectedly.

Sherry’s back pain runs right around the bottom of her ribs and seems to take her breath away.

Each person has a different type of pain in a different part of their back. Their pain is as individual as they are. So how can we expect to help back pain with the same treatments?

There are two broad ways that back pain can be  treated. A general, one size fits all approach and a specific individualized approach. Both have their place.

The general approach fits no one well, but if the back pain is not too severe, the techniques that fall into this grouping can be sufficient to get the back pain under control. This grouping includes:

  • Applying cold to the affected area can reduce inflammation, increase the pain threshold, and decrease muscle spasms. People who are cold intolerant / highly sensitive to cold, have a serious circulation issue, or have peripheral nerves that are regenerating in the area should avoid using cold. The results of applying cold are generally temporary.

  • Applying heat to the affected area can increase circulation in the area, increase the pain threshold, and increase the ability for the collagen in the area to elongate and contract. Heat should generally be avoided in cases of acute injury, recent or current bleeding, thrombophlebitis, or a malignancy (for example malignant cancer). The results of applying heat are generally temporary.

  • Changing your living environment

  • Furniture can play a big part in back pain. When you are in pain, it can be difficult to get comfortable. Chairs that are the right height so you can set your feet firmly on the floor, help to keep proper posture, and help to get up and sit down. The chairs should support the contours of your back and neck if possible. If the chair supports your hips, then this will further help to keep good posture .

  • If you work at a desk, a standing desk will aid in keeping your core muscles strong and improve circulation. In some cases this will reduce back pain but for others it can actually make the pain worse.

  • Replacing your mattress or pillow  with a bed that better fits you can be helpful in some cases

  • Changing your habits

    • If you are in extreme pain, you are already too far along to start exercising until the pain settles. If, however, your pain is somewhat under control, stretching and a light exercise program can go a long way to restoring your back to its former glory. A simple daily release of your Psoas (core muscle group) has been shown to give all sorts of health benefits, including relief of back pain.

    • Diet does play into back pain relief. Most of us are tired of hearing it but it still needs to be said. Eating foods that have more vitamins and nutrients than sugar in them, helps to make the body more efficient. This efficiency means that the body is able to put more effort into fixing what is wrong. When all the problems causing the back pain are gone, so is the back pain.

    • Rest is very important with certain types of back pain. Some things you can push through but certain types of back pain just get worse, the harder you push. In those cases, rest will go a long way to improving your condition

    • Drinking enough water helps remove the waste from our bodies. If you want to drink more water, have the water bottle made up the night before and put it where you can’t miss it in the morning and carry it around with you all day.

The key thing with changing your habits is making it as easy as possible for yourself.

The more specific approach requires professional help. When chronic back pain doesn’t begin to resolve with self-help, a stronger, more effective method is needed. The pain, restlessness, and lack of sleep that results from some back pain, wears on a person, leading to:

  • Energy issues like tiredness and fatigue

  • Mental issues such as brain fog, irritability, stress, depression, anxiety

  • More Pain which includes increased inflammation in the body, improper body mechanics so other parts of the body are affected, headaches, and neck pain.

“I could barely stand up some days, the pain was so terrible. I didn't know what I was going to do”

At this stage, the band-aid solutions offered are not powerful enough to make a lasting impact, and pain management does not move the person forward. Often, it feels like the situation is hopeless.

“I had back pain and neck pain. It was really painful when I was driving down the road in my truck. Now it is like brand new almost.”

To manage chronic back pain and the underlying cause, Dr. Holden, D.Ac  with the staff at Valley Mist Health uses acupuncture as well as several integrative therapies. The goal is to reduce inflammation, promote blood flow, trigger the body’s natural painkillers, and promote both healing and recovery.

The first step to relief is a new patient consultation. Call 780-514-6111 and a care coordinator will set you up with a consultation so you can start Living Life Free From Pain.

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