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That Burning Desire To Get Rid Of Cancer Induced Peripheral Neuropathy (CIPN)


“Chemotherapy was the most difficult thing I have ever gone through, but I am still alive!” Mary from Drayton Valley, Alberta shared.

Cancer can be beaten and lives are saved from the jaws of death every day by the efforts of dedicated caring health professionals.

This is not without cost. Chemotherapy kills cancer cells but it also kills healthy cells.

When it comes to the nervous system, at least 8 of the Chemotherapy drugs used in Canada can result in nerve damage. Although the exact percentage is currently unknown, it is estimated that just under 70% of all Chemotherapy patients end up with what is called Cancer Induced Peripheral Neuropathy (CIPN) in the medical community. The nerves may begin to heal shortly after the chemotherapy treatments have concluded but many of the people will end up with the nerves degenerating instead. As the nerves begin to deteriorate and the person begins to feel burning, tingling, a feeling of walking on cotton balls or even broken glass. Sometimes their feet or hands will feel like they have “woken up after falling asleep” and there will be the sensation of pins and needles.

This is not where it stops, as the nerves continue to degenerate. Eventually, the nerves start to die off and the painful sensations result in numbness. The nerves that tell the person what their feet and fingers are touching do not work properly anymore, making it difficult to hold a cup or walk on uneven ground - things most of us take for granted.

Mike from Breton, AB states, “I could not feel my feet and I was always super careful getting out of my truck. My doctor said it was a risk of the cancer treatments and there was nothing he could do for me. I saw an article in the newspaper and I went to see Dr. Vince to see if he could do anything. It took a few months of treatment but now I am not scared of falling and breaking my leg when I get out of my truck.”

We have been successfully treating nervous system issues, including cancer induced peripheral neuropathy, at Valley Mist Health in Drayton Valley, Alberta since we opened in February 26th, 2018. Nearly everyone who comes to us has given up hope. Often their doctor has said there is nothing that can be done other than take pills with terrible side effects. Most of the people who come through our doors seeking help with their CIPN have had a similar experience, and tell us we are their last hope. We have become known by some of our patients as “The last hope with the best results”.

If your pain is stopping you from living the life you love and keeping you from enjoying the world around you, give us a call at 780-514-6111 and schedule a no risk consultation. See if we can make a difference in your life!

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